Submission of papers
All submissions should be made by e-mail to:
Authors should prepare and send an anonymous version of her/his paper for double-blind-reviewing. A brief biographical note about each author should be supplied in a separate file. Details should be given of authors full postal and e-mail addresses as well as telephone and fax numbers.
Submission should be in English, typed in double spacing (including all notes as footnotes, references, tables, figures and plates). English or American spelling is acceptable provided usage is consistent.
Submission of a paper to the journal will be taken to imply that it presents original, unpublished, work not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
An abstract of the paper, of up to 500 characters (including spacing), should accompany the article. In addition, a list of between three and six key words, suitable for indexing and abstracting services, should be supplied.
Articles should not normally exceed 7,000 words (without references) in length. If your word-processor is capable of doing a word count please use it to print this at the end of the text, together with the date of the manuscript.
Notes should be kept to a minimum and placed as footnotes at the end of the page.
The Harvard reference system is used in this journal: the name of the author, the date of publication and, following quoted material, the page reference, as a key to the full bibliographic details set out in the list of references, e.g. “… citation …” (Peterson 1990: 56); several authors have noted this trend (Smith 1970; Jones & Cook 1968; Dobbs et al. 1973). [N.B. et al. to be used when there are three or more authors.] The date of publication cited must be the date of the source referred to; when using a republished book, a translation or a modern version of an older edition, however, the date of the original publication may also be given. Where there are two or more works by one author in the same year, these should be distinguished by using 2012a, 2012b, etc. The reference list should include every work cited in the text. Please ensure that dates, spelling and titles used in the text are consistent with those listed in the References. The content and form of the reference list should conform to the following examples. Please note that page numbers are required for articles, both place of publication and name of publisher should be given for books and, where relevant, translator and date of first publication should be noted. Do not use et al. in the reference list; use surname and initials for each author.
Book volume:
Allen, P., Macy, A. & Hutchinson, T. (2010), Record Label Marketing, Focal Press, Amsterdam and Oxford.
Article in edited volume:
Burnett, R. (1996) “The Popular Music Industry in Transition”, in Mass Media & Society, eds A. Wells & E. Hakanen, JAI Press, London, pp. 120-140.
Article in journal:
Oberholzer-Gee, & Strumpf, K. (2007) “The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales: An Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 115, no. 1, pp. 1-42.
Edited text:
Smith, A. (1976) [1776] An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, eds. R. H. Campbell, A. S. Skinner & W. B. Todd, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Translated text:
Tschmuck, P. (2006) Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry, trans. M. Abel, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht.
Article in newspaper:
Barber, L. (1993) “The towering bureaucracy”, Financial Times, 21 June, p. 00.
Holland Mortimer, J., Nosko, C. & Sorensen, A. (2010) Supply Responses to Digital Distribution: Recorded Music and Live Performances, NBER Working Papers 16507, Harvard Business School.
Internet references
If your source of information is a book, a journal, a journal article which is published and just reproduced on the Internet then follow the guidelines above, also adding the type of medium (e.g. on-line), how it is available (e.g. HTTP, Gopher, e-mail) and then the actual electronic address with the dates of access in brackets.
Internet source:
As for print reference, plus: Available at: (4 June 2011). Journal article etc.: Not published elsewhere other than on the Internet, then as above but leaving out the place name and publisher.
Notes on style
Justification of text: When producing your word processed document, use the unjustified mode. Leave the right margin ragged and avoid word divisions and hyphens at the end of lines. Only insert hard returns at the end of paragraphs or headings.
Punctuation: Use a single (not a double) space after a full point, and after commas, colons, semicolons, etc. Do not put a space in front of a question mark, or in front of any other closing quotation mark.
Spelling: We prefer spellings to conform to the new edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary and to follow the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors.
Initial capitalization: Please keep capitalization to a minimum. When possible use lower case for government, church, state, party, volume, etc.; north, south, etc. are only capitalized if used as part of a recognized place name e.g. Western Australia, South Africa; use lower case for general terms e.g. eastern France, south-west of Berlin.
Full points: Use full points after abbreviations (p.m., e.g., i.e., etc.) and contractions where the end of the word is cut (p., ed., ch.). Omit full points in acronyms (HMSO, USA, BBC, NATO, plc), after contractions which end in the last letter of the word (Dr, Mr, St, edn, eds, Ltd) and after metric units (cm, m, km, kg). Note especially ed. eds; vol. vols; no. nos; ch. chs, etc.
Italics: Extensive use of italic for emphasis should be avoided and only be used for citations in the text.
Quotations: Use double quotation marks and italics for quoted material within the text; single quotation marks should only be used for quotes within quotes. Use leader dots at the beginning or end of a quotation.
Numerals: In general spell out numbers under 100; but use numerals for measurements (e.g. 12 km) and ages (e.g. 10 years old). Insert a comma for both thousands and tens of thousands (e.g. 1,000 and 20,000). Always use the minimum number of figures for ranged numbers and dates, e.g. 22-4, 105-6, 1966-7; but use 112-13, 1914-18, etc. for teen numbers. Use the percentage sign only in figures and tables; spell out per cent in the text using a numeral for the number (e.g. 84 per cent).
Dates: Set out as follows: 8 July 1990 (no comma), on 8 July, or on the 8th; 1990s (not spelt out, no apostrophes).
En rules: Since there is no en rule on a standard keyboard, use a double hyphen for en rules, use these to link number spans (e.g. 24-8); to connect two items linked in a political context (e.g. Labour-Liberal alliance, Rome-Berlin axis) and to link the names of joint authors (e.g. Temple-Hardcastle project).
Authors are expected to correct proofs quickly and any alteration to the original text is strongly discouraged. Authors should correct typesetters errors in red; minimal alterations of their own should be in black.
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Authors retain copyright, while licensing their work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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